TED ED微教學動畫


Ted ED 每一齣短短幾分鐘的動畫,聚焦一個學習主題,將重新啟動觀眾探索數學的好奇心。


  1. 你能解開被詛咒的骰子之謎嗎?Can you solve the cursed dice riddle? - Dan Finkel

  2. 你能解開作弊的皇家之謎嗎?Can you solve the cheating royal riddle? - Dan Katz

  3. 你能解開過橋的謎題嗎?Can you solve the bridge riddle? - Alex Gendler

  4. 統計分析假設檢定之p值-The method that can "prove" almost anything - James A. Smith

  5. 你能解愛麗絲夢遊奇境之謎嗎?Can you solve the Alice in Wonderland riddle? - Alex Gendler

  6. 你能解決蜜蜂之謎嗎?Can you solve the honeybee riddle? - Dan Finkel

  7. 你能解開龍上比武之謎嗎? Alex Gendler: Can you solve the dragon jousting riddle?

  8. 你能解決瓦迪家族裡酷迪、杜迪、法迪的謎語嗎?Can you solve the cuddly duddly fuddly wuddly riddle? - Dan Finkel

  9. 數學符號從何而來 .  Where do math symbols come from? - John David Walters

  10. 無限大有多大?How big is infinity? - Dennis Wildfogel

  11. 你能解決機械螞蟻殺手的謎題嗎? Can you solve the killer robo-ants riddle? - Dan Finkel  

  12. 音樂與數學.Music and math: The genius of Beethoven - Natalya St. Clair

  13. 為什麼井蓋是圓型的?Why are manhole covers round? - Marc Chamberland

  14. 你能解決愛因斯坦的謎題嗎?Can you solve "Einstein's  riddle" ? - Dan Van der Vieren  [ 延伸閱讀 ]

  15. 你能解決這道100個櫃子的謎題嗎?Can you solve the locker riddle? - Lisa Winer      [ 延伸閱讀 ]

  16. 你能解開神殿的謎題嗎? Can you solve the temple riddle? - Dennis E. Shasha

  17. 你能解控制室之謎嗎? Can you solve the control room riddle? - Dennis Shasha

  18. 你能解決這道青蛙的謎題嗎?Can you solve the frog riddle? - Derek Abbott

  19. 柯尼斯堡的七橋問題如何改變數學? How the Königsberg bridge problem changed mathematics?- Dan Van der Vieren

  20. 你能解答關於被關押樂隊的盒子的謎題嗎? Can you solve the prisoner boxes riddle? - Yossi Elran

  21. 為何蜜蜂喜愛六邊形?  Why do honeybees love hexagons? - Zack Patterson and Andy Peterson

  22. 你能解決密碼謎題嗎? Can you solve the passcode riddle? - Ganesh Pai

  23. 摺紙送你上月球. How folding paper can get you to the moon - Adrian Paenza

  24. 一副牌的排序有多少種? How many ways can you arrange a deck of cards? - Yannay Khaikin

  25. 如何證明數學定理?   How to prove a mathematical theory - Scott Kennedy

  26. 希爾伯特旅館悖論.   The Infinite Hotel Paradox - Jeff Dekofsky

  27. 芝諾兩分法悖論是甚麼?   What is Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox? - Colm Kelleher

  28. 吠陀數學的神奇.   The magic of Vedic math - Gaurav Tekriwal

  29. 如何運用數學戰勝猛龍(卡通).  How to defeat a dragon with math - Garth Sundem

  30. 無窮無盡的圓周率 π. The infinite life of pi - Reynaldo Lopes

  31. 數學之達文西維特魯威人.   Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man of math - James Earle

  32. 甚麼是對數.   Logarithms, Explained - Steve Kelly

  33. 對稱的科學. The science of symmetry - Colm Kelleher

  34. 估計大數的聰明方法.    A clever way to estimate enormous numbers - Michael Mitchell

  35. 數學如何在茫茫大海指引我們航行?  How does math guide our ships at sea? - George Christoph

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